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White Papers
Financial Services
Navigating Background Screening Regulations: A Guide for Regional Banks
Ensure your hiring process is compliant and efficient with our guide on background screening regulations for regional banks.
Employment Law Unplugged: Changes You Need to Know
Brett Holubeck from Fisher & Phillips joined Cisive to discuss the latest pressing workplace issues in 2024.
White Papers
Criminal Background Checks
All About FBI Fingerprinting and its Role in Thorough Criminal Searches
This white paper explores the role of FBI fingerprinting in background checks, providing insights on how to enhance accuracy and compliance in highly-regulated industries.
I-9 & E-Verify Compliance: Costly Pitfalls to Avoid
Kimberley Best Robidoux from WR Immigration led an insightful discussion on how you can navigate the complex I-9 & E-Verify process.
Drug & Alcohol Testing
The High Stakes of Workplace Drug Testing: Cannabis Law Updates
Discover how to navigate the complex landscape of employee drug testing compliance.
Background Checks
Leap into Compliance: 2024 Employment Law Updates
Stay ahead of employment laws and background check compliance updates in 2024 & beyond.
Frequently Asked Questions
Background Checks
We Need to Verify Former Military Service on One of Our Applicants
Are There Any Special Forms Required to Do This in Addition to the Standard Application and FCRA Release Forms?
Frequently Asked Questions
Criminal Background Checks
Why Are Some Reports Missing Personal Identifiers in Criminal History Record Searches?
Cisive, and the employment screening industry as a whole, has been experiencing an increase in delays in time service in certain jurisdictions as a direct result of these jurisdictions eliminating key personal identifiers in court records, especially social security numbers (SSN).
Frequently Asked Questions
Criminal Background Checks
What Is a Supplemental National Criminal Information Database Search?
Cisive conducts a search of a proprietary database that consists of 453 million current and historical arrest, felony, misdemeanor, incarceration, conviction, fugitive, escapee, absconder, and probation records on over 230 million offenders.
Frequently Asked Questions
Hire Third-party Organizations
Do I Have to Follow the Standard FCRA Employee Notice and Authorization Requirements If I Hire Third-party Organizations, Including Law Firms, to Investigate Allegations of Workplace Misconduct? Also, Are There Any Differences Between Federal and State Law in This Type of Investigation?
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can I Obtain a Copy of the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)?
You can obtain a copy of the FCRA from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the U.S. agency responsible for regulating the FCRA. The FCRA can be downloaded in PDF format from the FTC's website.
Frequently Asked Questions
Background Checks
Background Check on a California Resident
What Are the Disclosure and Authorization Requirements Under the California Law with Respect to a California Employer Who Procures a Background Check on a California Resident?
Frequently Asked Questions
Talent Management
California Employment Screening
Do the California Employment Screening Statutes Apply Only to Reports Covering Current California Residents?
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Reasonable Suspicion & Drug Awareness Supervisor Training
William J. Judge and Nick Hartman of the Drug Screening Compliance Institute (DSCI) discuss the key role of reasonable suspicion testing in the changing landscape for employers.
White Papers
Criminal Background Checks
Continuous Employee Screening Best Practices
Learn why hiring today no longer means performing background checks only on incoming hires, but having continuous, post-hire monitoring as well.
White Papers
Background Checks
7 Best Practices in the Background Screening Process to Improve Time to Fill
Learn how to measure your time-to-fill and address today's recruiting and onboarding challenges.
White Papers
Background Checks
Background Screening: Navigating the Adverse Action Process
Employers have specific obligations under the FCRA, including requirements with respect “adverse actions.” This paper examines employer adverse-action-related obligations under the FCRA.
White Papers
Background Checks
Top 4 Compliance Best Practices to Avoid Liability During the Hiring Process
Learn the latest background check best practices to ensure your program's ongoing compliance and avoid liability during the hiring process.
Drug & Alcohol Testing
COVID-19 Testing Best Practices for a Safe Return to the Workplace
Discover the latest COVID-19 testing guidance as of May 27, 2020 for employers as they re-open after the COVID-19 crisis.
White Papers
Drug & Alcohol Testing
COVID-19 Workplace Testing Protocol
Learn how COVID-19 workplace testing can help organizations of all sizes reopen safely amid the growing fears of the pandemic.
White Papers
Drug & Alcohol Testing
COVID-19's Amplifying Effects on Drug & Alcohol Use and the Opioid Epidemic
Learn how traumatic events such as the coronavirus can contribute to the rise of drug & alcohol use and the opioid epidemic.
Background Checks
Fundamentals Refresh: A Critical Review of Background Check Compliance for Employers
Learn employers' duties under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) when ordering and using background checks for employment purposes.
White Papers
Background Checks
4 Important Considerations When Transitioning to an ATS Integration
Explore how to seamlessly integrate your background screening program with an applicant tracking system.
White Papers
Background Checks
Setting Candidate Expectations Around the Background Check Process
Discover how to address the challenges of providing a positive candidate experience during the background check process.
Continuing to Promote a Safe Workplace During the Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic
Check out the latest legal considerations every employer should know when managing their workforce during the evolving pandemic.
White Papers
Background Checks
How to Improve the Candidate Experience with an ATS and Background Check Integration
Learn about the benefits of integrating your applicant tracking and background screening solutions.
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Drug Testing Post-Election: How Marijuana Will Impact the Workplace in 2021
Learn what the 2020 elections mean for marijuana drug testing in the workplace moving forward.
White Papers
Background Checks
The Importance of Continuous Employment Screening in APAC
Learn how adopting continuous screening practices can help employers minimize insider threats and security risks.
Background Checks
Let's Talk Global: International Background Screening 101
Learn practical international screening best practices to comply with the law, mitigate risk, and implement an effective global employment screening program.
White Papers
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Medical Marijuana and State Law Compliance
Discover the latest federal and state marijuana laws and what employers should consider to remain compliant.
Background Checks
Criminal Background Checks
Understanding Continuous Criminal Monitoring for Long-Term Risk Mitigation
Learn the advantages and key considerations for building a continuous monitoring program that safeguards your organization in the long term.
White Papers
Background Checks
Criminal Background Checks
A Guide to Criminal Background Checks in Asia Pacific
Find out how an effective criminal screening program can help improve and maintain the quality of new hires.
License Management 101
Discover advantages and key considerations for implementing an optimized healthcare license management program.
White Papers
6 Key Compliance Questions to Ask HR and Recruiting Teams
Learn how to maintain compliance and avoid costly litigation across all areas of recruiting and onboarding.
2021 Mid-Year Employment Law Update
Learn the latest employment law developments and what emerging legal issues you should anticipate for the remainder of 2021.
White Papers
Background Checks
Screening Asia’s Healthcare Workers to Prevent Safety Risks
Learn how to safeguard your APAC healthcare organization from fraud with a comprehensive background check program.
Walking the Tightrope: Building a More Diverse and Inclusive Workforce While Remaining Legally Compliant
Find out how to legally promote D&I initiatives in today's ever-changing workplace.
White Papers
Background Checks
Talent Management
Cisive Insights: Talent Screening Trends 2021
Uncover the latest talent screening trends in Cisive's 2021 benchmark report.
Background Checks
The State of Talent Screening 2021: Key Findings from the Cisive Insights Benchmark Survey
Cisive’s latest research uncovers how employers are updating their employment screening practices and talent strategies in the new normal.
Background Checks
Talent Management
How to Create a Winning Talent Strategy, From Screening to Retention
Discover key trends affecting HR technology and talent acquisition in 2022 and beyond.
White Papers
Background Checks
Key Considerations for Selecting the Right Background Screening Partner
Uncover 5 key red flags when selecting a long-term background screening partner.
White Papers
Drug & Alcohol Testing
New York - When can Employers Test for Marijuana?
Explore New York's latest guidance for employers on marijuana drug testing.
White Papers
Cisive Insights: Talent Screening Trends in Transportation
Uncover Transportation industry insights from Cisive's benchmark report.
Transportation Industry Update: Impacts of the Pandemic on the Economy, Supply Chain, and Hiring
Learn what transportation employers and carriers should consider when building a talent screening program for 2022 & beyond.
White Papers
Background Checks
Criminal Background Checks
10 Key Considerations When Using Criminal History in Hiring Decisions
Minimize the risk of negligent hiring liability by considering these key best practices.
Background Checks
Hiring and Employment Legal Update: What HR Needs to Know in 2022 & Beyond
Learn how employers can avoid common 2022 hiring pitfalls and recent developments in background screening litigation.
White Papers
Background Checks
Cisive Insights: Talent Screening Trends in Healthcare
Stay ahead of healthcare's evolving hiring and background check landscape with these latest talent screening trends.
Background Checks
Healthcare Benchmark Spotlight: Impacts of the Pandemic on Industry, Talent & Screening
Learn how to overcome today's background check, recruitment, and hiring challenges in healthcare.
White Papers
Drug & Alcohol Testing
The Evolution of Workplace Drug Testing & Marijuana Laws
Keep your drug testing program current with the ever-evolving marijuana laws.
Drug & Alcohol Testing
The Evolution of Workplace Testing Programs & Marijuana Laws
Discover the latest guidance for workplace drug testing and common pitfalls to avoid when reviewing your program.
Background Checks
Social Media Unveiled: A Critical Tool for Background Screening
Find out how to use social media to screen for pre-determined risk factors, cultural fit, behavioral traits, and more.
White Papers
Background Checks
Financial Services
Cisive Insights: Talent Screening Trends in Financial Services
Stay ahead of financial services' changing environment with these latest talent screening trends.
White Papers
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Streamlining Solutions for Your Student Immunization Tracking Program
Learn about compliance and considerations for your student immunization tracking program.
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Optimizing Student Immunization Tracking: What a Difference a System Can Make
Learn key practices for implementing an effective and compliant vaccination tracking and health record management program.
White Papers
Background Checks
PII Redaction & Background Checks: Navigating a Changing Landscape
Learn the key issues surrounding Personally Identifiable Information and employment background checks.
Background Checks
2022 Mid-Year Employment Law Update: Shifting Priorities in Today’s Climate
Learn the latest employment law developments and what emerging legal issues employers should anticipate for the remainder of 2022.
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Workplace Drug Testing Design: Top Employer Concerns with Marijuana and CBD
Uncover the common pitfalls to avoid when reviewing your workplace drug testing program.
White Papers
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Workplace Drug Testing Design: Top Employer Concerns with Marijuana and CBD
Explore the latest guidance for workplace drug testing and common pitfalls to avoid when reviewing your screening program.
Financial Services
Talent Management
Talent Acquisition
Economic Update for HR: Top Employer Concerns with Inflation, Recession, Hiring & Retention
Learn what employers, especially in the financial services sector, need to know about the rapidly changing economic conditions and what it means for HR professionals.
White Papers
Background Checks
How Long Does a Background Check Take?
Improve your background check turnaround time with these top considerations.
FMCSA Regulatory November Update: Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse Pre-Employment Screening
Our industry leaders discuss the Clearinghouse, upcoming regulatory changes, and what they mean to your pre-employment screening program.
Talent Management
The Art of Empathy: The Antidote to the Great Resignation
Learn how empathy may be your greatest tool to reengage employees experiencing burnout.
White Papers
Background Checks
Criminal Background Checks
Debunking Myths: Criminal Searches
Avoid negligent hiring and reputational harm with criminal background checks.
FMCSA Regulatory December Update: Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse Pre-Employment Screening
Trucking industry leaders discuss the Clearinghouse, upcoming regulatory changes, and what they mean to your pre-employment screening program.
Background Checks
Top 5 Facts on International Background Screening
Explore the differences between U.S. and international background checks, debunk common screening myths, and learn how to target your resources on the key countries and searches.
White Papers
Criminal Background Checks
Background Checks
Dismissed Criminal Records & Other Non-Conviction Data
Discover the role of non-conviction criminal data in background screening.
Background Checks
The Ever-Evolving Workplace: Legal & Compliance Notes for 2023 & Beyond
Discover the top-of-mind workplace issues, including the latest updates on employment and privacy concerns.
White Papers
Background Checks
Financial Services
Financial Services: Background Screening Trends & Best Practices
Discover the latest background screening practices of multinational financial institutions and how you can leverage key searches to hire quality talent.
Drug & Alcohol Testing
The Evolving Marijuana & Drug Testing Landscape: Best Practices for Employers
Learn the latest employer limitations and drug & alcohol testing best practices for reviewing screening programs.
White Papers
Background Checks
5 Keys to International Background Screening: What Employers Need to Know
Check out what 5 key practices will help you successfully implement a globally compliant background check policy.
Transportation Industry Update: What Employers Need to Know
Our experts discuss key observations from our work with carriers and provide a comprehensive transportation industry update and forecast.
Talent Acquisition
The AI Balancing Act in Hiring: What Employers Need to Know
Our subject matter experts discuss the potential risks and biases of using artificial intelligence (AI) in hiring and onboarding.
Background Checks
Mid-Year Employment Law Update: The Agencies Strike Back
Check out the latest updates from agencies such as the EEOC and the NLRB that employers need to know as we head into the final months of 2023.
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Getting into the Weeds of Marijuana Drug Testing
Find out the latest marijuana drug testing best practices to ensure workplace screening compliance.
Ready to get started?

Book time with one of our screening experts to learn how we can streamline your process

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